Kikanju Baku (Drums):

Kikanju Baku

Freak-of-nature Kikanju Bakusuteki is a once-in-a-century maverick-mutant renowned as one of the worlds most excruciatingly unique drummers. His completely unmatched, record-severing speeds & ludicrous complexity & exuberance have earned him a singular vantage in Gunk, Jazz, Advanced Fracture, Grindcore & other badly transmogrified & hideously muddled elaborations of extreme improvisation, jazz, freeform, avant-garde, math-blat, noise-related-circuitry & other-allo-oddity & ingenuity. His “precision hysteria” has propelled paroxysmal puke collaborations with leading titans of the Jazz, Noise & Noisegrind rubrics as well as obscure gutter-runners of the balkanized badlands & shadow shanty.

Dennis von Geldrop (vocals, bass, noise):

Mad surrealist oil painter in mid-malady. Dunnis Geldrukk was the shrieking, gibbering, blabbering wing-nut from champion of wallop mid 90s Dutch Blastcore No-Skool-Noyzcore Blur-bruk Nee! Also….. some other .. noise machinations in the underworld … of 90s noise …..causing difficulty. Baked garbage followed with Death To Music – an unpleasantly clotted dredge-wade with lorra’ lorra’ Sludge Noise … & then the paints! Drukk your Gelds.